Data: What is Meant by Data & Different Ways to Represent Data

Data is everywhere. It’s the stuff you input into a computer program to get an output. It’s the statistics of a country’s population. Heck, it’s even what you’re reading right now.

In math, data can be any information or fact, whether it’s a number, an observation, an alphabet, or collective knowledge about anything. But what does it all mean? What is data?

What is Meant by Data


Data is a collection of information gathered by observations, measurements, research, or analysis. It can be facts, figures, numbers, names, or even general descriptions. And, if you’re like most people, you probably think of data as rows and columns in a spreadsheet, but data can be so much more than that. Data can be organized in graphs, charts, or tables for ease of study. This is where the data scientists come in, helping to analyze the collected data through data mining.

So, what are the different ways to represent data? Here are a few of the most common:

  1. Pictograph
  2. Pie-Chart
  3. Bar-Graph
  4. Line-Graph
  5. Histogram


A pictograph represents data using different images or symbols. They’re often used in concepts like data handling, as they help lay the foundation for interpreting data based on visual information.

For example, the pictograph below depicts the data of the different pizzas ordered on a random day.


A pie chart is another type of graph used to display data visually in a circular graph. Pie charts are one of the most commonly used graphs for representing data using the attributes of circles, spheres, and angular data to represent real-world information.

For example, the pie chart below depicts the data on the different kinds of desserts kids prefer at model schools.


A pie chart is another type of graph used to display data visually in a circular graph. Pie charts are one of the most commonly used graphs for representing data using the attributes of circles, spheres, and angular data to represent real-world information.

For example, the pie chart below depicts the data on the different kinds of desserts kids prefer at model schools.


A line graph is a particular type of graph that displays change over time as a series of data points connected by straight-line segments on two axes. Line graphs help determine the relationship between two sets of values, with one data set always being dependent on the other.

For example, the line graph below depicts the pass percentage of Grade 7 students in a scholarship exam from 2010-2016.


A histogram is a graph with a set of rectangles with bases and intervals between class boundaries. Each rectangle depicts some data, and all the rectangles are adjacent. The heights of rectangles are proportional to corresponding frequencies of similar and different classes.

For example, the histogram below depicts the data on the preference for a particular sport.

Anyway take your chance to enhance your knowledge and skills in Mathematics by participating in the Kangaroo Math Competition 2023; registration is now open!

You can register through our website 👉 CONTESTHUB.

*** This blog post is based on information from Cuemath.

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