Are you tired of people playing mind games with you?

Do you often question your sanity or feel inferior because of someone’s comments? You’re not alone!

People play all sorts of games to try and control or manipulate others but don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are eight common mind games people play on you and how to outsmart them.

1. Gas Lighting

Gas Lighting

Gaslighting is a tactic that involves making someone question their own reality. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Disengage and walk away.
  • Trust your own perception, and don’t let someone else convince you otherwise.

2. Negative Humor

Negative Humor

Negative humor is often used to make someone feel inferior or less secure. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Remain calm.
  • Smile and put that person in the spotlight by asking questions.

3. Victimhood


Playing the victim can be a way for someone to manipulate you into doing what they want. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Don’t get emotionally involved or let go of that relationship.
  • Remember that you are not responsible for someone else’s emotions or actions.

4. Pretend Ignorance

Pretend Ignorance

Pretending not to know something can be a way for someone to get away with bad behavior. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Judge actions, not intentions.
  • Don’t let someone else’s ignorance or bad behavior affect your own actions.

5. Projection


Projection is when someone criticizes you for something they do themselves. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Don’t take the bait.
  • Remove yourself from that arena, and don’t engage in the behavior yourself.

6. Guilt Tripping

Guilt Tripping

Guilt-tripping is a passive-aggressive way to manipulate you into doing something. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Respond with empathy, but trust your own intuition.
  • Remember that you are not responsible for someone else’s emotions.

7. Silent Treatment

Silent Treatment

The silent treatment can make you feel uncertain and doubt yourself. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Ignore it until it blows over.
  • Don’t let someone else’s behavior dictate your own actions or emotions.

8. Constant Criticism

Constant criticism can make you feel inferior, and someone else feels superior. Here’s how to outsmart it:

  • Say thank you and get on with your life.
  • Remember that you are in control of your own thoughts and feelings.

In conclusion, people can play many mind games on you, but you don’t have to let them control your thoughts or emotions.

Remember to trust your own perceptions, judge actions, not intentions, and stay in control of your own thoughts and feelings.

And if all else fails, smile and say thank you!

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