KMC Sudoku: Monday, June 26 2023
Sudoku enthusiasts, are you ready for a challenge? In this week’s blog post, we’ll be
Editor Kangaroo Math

NGO Dedah 90,000 Murid Gagal dalam SPM Matematik 2022
Peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) adalah satu ujian penting bagi pelajar di Malaysia. Namun, pada
Editor Kangaroo Math

KMC Testimonial: Samuel’s Experience with Kangaroo Math
KMC Testimonial – Samuel Lerner. Samuel Lerner from Brookline, MA, has participated in the Kangaroo
Editor Kangaroo Math

KMC Testimonial: Bukan Math Competition Yang Typical!
Pelajar dari Princeton, NJ, Parth Shastri telah mula melibatkan diri di dalam Kangaroo Math seawal
Editor Kangaroo Math

KMC Testimonial: Kangaroo Math – A Fun and Valuable Journey!
KMC Testimonial – Raul Thomas. Raul Thomas from Centennial, CO, has something to say about
Editor Kangaroo Math

KMC Wordle: Monday, 1 May 2023
Get ready to flex your brain muscles and join the KMC Wordle craze! In this
Editor Kangaroo Math